

i want to help people who need extra income and help people who needs help :)

orcecso hat das Ziel, 100.000,00 PHP pro Woche zu erhalten.
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I live in the philippines, and i noticed that most jobs here are hard to get specially for people who dont have any money or did not finish school, and not all of us can apply for work,

and most of the time to afford living, working in a corporate or in a call center is the only choice we got, as working in a fast food is only affordable for single people only and most of us have families,

apart from the requirements they ask they even require us to pay for medical checkups that even cost money.

now im making an app that will help people in my country who just need some extra and want to help others at the same time,

you can request help similar to a google map, and people will click it to view and see your details,,

example : you want a person who will wash your dishes? and you offer 500 philippine pesos, the person agrees and then he can finish the job and then do another to earn more,

that simple,

i hope patreon people can make this come true ill be making a intro video soon,

as i am only one person for now, but once i have some backup ill be able to make this dream come true,

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orcecso besitzt die folgenden Zugänge auf anderen Plattformen:


orcecso ist vor 5 Jahren beigetreten.

Einnahmen pro Woche (in Philippinischer Peso)

Anzahl Unterstützer pro Woche