

Gamedev, FOSS projects and contributions to other projects

akselmo hat 2 Fördernde.


Hi, I'm looking for funds to help me work more on FOSS projects! I do gamedev and work on FOSS projects as a hobby and I wouldn't mind changing this hobby into a dayjob.

My dayjob is a stability engineer, but I also do all kinds of programming tasks at work, using mostly Python and C#. On my own time I like to study C and C++, and other "more involved" languages. :)

Projects I'm working on:

Money will be used on server hosting costs, since I have stuff like my own Gitea instance for private projects, etc.

Verknüpfte Konten

akselmo besitzt die folgenden Zugänge auf anderen Plattformen:


artificial-rage Sterne 26 vor 1 Woche aktualisiert

[MIRROR] Scifi FPS made with RayLib. Check the link below for the development repo which has the releases and issuetracker.

ESOLinuxAddonManager Sterne 28 vor 6 Monaten aktualisiert

[MIRROR] Elder Scrolls Online addon downloader, for Linux! Check the link below for the development repo which has the releases and issuetracker.

Förderer   Als CSV exportieren

akselmo hat 1 öffentlichen Spender.

Capital Ex
0,46 $/Woche

Beschenkte(r)   Als CSV exportieren

akselmo spendet öffentlich an 1 Erstellende.

0,25 €/Woche


akselmo ist vor 3 Jahren beigetreten.