

An artist and gaming collective

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Arts & Entertainments | Creators of anachronistic delights.

Witch & Robot is a collective of creators who value imagination, wonder, & cats. Methods include: Live Event & Ritual Performance & Streaming 3D Modeling & Printing Ceramics & Cement Adornments & Aesthetics

Contributions keep our shop tools, supplies, and utilities in good condition as well as funding new adventures. Rooted in Oakland California

Witch - Maybe seen in a somewhat femme human form but make no mistake this witch has a monster heart. Often found colluding with beasts, beverage on hand, known to never miss an opportunity for a good cackle. Games, crafts, cats, colour, beauty, & magic, all her realms.

Robot - Digital wizard, technology tinkerer, the robot self teaches new skills when the sun is low and the electricity cheap. Enjoys writing instructables to please his robot kin. Magnetic personality & strong moral compass, powered by stubborn code. May exist but cannot validate reality.

Ampersand - Moderator Cat who keeps the humans in check, Cats who keep Witch & Robot humble, Gremlins that keep the machines running, Goblins who collect the trash,

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WitchAndRobot ist vor 3 Jahren beigetreten.

Einnahmen pro Woche (in US-Dollar)

Anzahl Unterstützer pro Woche