

Rescue of a French civilian from the war zone Ukraine

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Hello, dear readers! My name is Mr. R, 29 years old. Today, I am French by nationality, but I was born in Ukraine.

I could not return home to France because of the war and the closing of the borders. COVID before. It all started with the fact that I came to Ukraine in transit. I had an expired French passport and not enough money for a return ticket. I decided to stay in Ukraine for a while to earn money for the trip. This despite the fact that I have nothing in France and no family. To do this, I used a Ukrainian passport, which I received at birth. But it was not easy to work here. In addition to the passport, I also needed military documents, which I did not have. There was also a lot of corruption and lawlessness. There were many problems such as illnesses, without medical insurance of course and without social protection, took care of the sick grandmother until her death. All of this set me back when there was no full-scale war. Soon after, war broke out in eastern Ukraine. The government has closed its borders to Ukrainian men to prevent them from leaving the country. I realized that I had to get out of here somehow. I contacted the French Embassy in kyiv They also warned me that Ukrainian border guards might not let me out of the country if they saw that I had Ukrainian citizenship. In the worst case, they can hand me over to the military, who want to force me into the army.

in short, it is necessary to travel far and pay for a new passport, then we will try to start the process of withdrawing Ukrainian citizenship, in general, I try to collect at least a hundred euros from it through d a donation for a passport, I couldn't do it before. The embassy confirmed that people who entered the territory with a European passport and legally entered the territory, anyway, the border service puts a ban on leaving Ukraine for them, reveals Ukrainian citizenship that they have not used for decades. I spoke with the embassy, I can go to Kyiv at least get a French passport, otherwise it’s better and safer

I found myself in a vicious circle. I need money to pay the embassy and the road to kyiv. But to make money, I need a job. And to find a job, I need documents. And to get the documents, I have to contact the authorities who are not entirely human and do not respect the constitution for the duration of the war, they have decided to suspend the laws. And if I go to the authorities, they can arrest me or send me to the front line.

Which violates my rights as a French citizen and also violates the rights of a citizen of the European Union. (The Ukrainians have the break too) Ukraine kyiv regime that harms millions of people and many foreigners who are stuck here. Human life is superior to the existence of a state or a political system.

Many families, personal lives and work remained in France, they are cut off from life by the Ukrainian government, their life has stopped.

I have no one in France who can help me or even know my situation. I live in constant fear for my life, my health and my freedom. Therefore, I call on you, good people, for help. I ask you to support me. Any amount you can transfer to my account will save my life. I hope that you will not remain indifferent to my misfortune and that you will help me to return home to France. The most important thing in life is freedom.

Mon telegram @RFKriya

Thank you for your attention and understanding. I would appreciate your comments and advice. Goodbye! If you need a complete legal justification for the illegality of the ban on leaving Ukraine for Ukrainian citizens such as conscripts, here is a court decision. (https://forum.antiraid.com.ua/topic/14625-postanova-shaas-pro-skasuvannja-rishennja-koas-shhodo-vidmovi-u-viyizdi-za-kordon-ta-zadovolenni-pozovu/)

Add it to your notes - you will be able to fully argue the position of the law in debates with the Soviets.

“In fact, the court established the absence today in Ukrainian legislation of prohibitions on travel abroad during a state of war with reference to the norms of the Ukrainian Constitution, Ukrainian laws, international acts ratified by Ukraine and the practice of the ECHR.”

What we have been talking about with you for over a year - THERE IS NO LEGAL BAN ON LEAVING UKRAINE, decisions by border services to refuse to leave due to “insufficient documents required to confirm the right to leave” are illegal.

But in debates with the Soviets on your argument about the illegality of the ban, you will hear the classic “SO WHAT?”

In fact, this debate looks like this:

In Ukraine today, laws do not work and there is no rule of law!


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