

Our Earth is a website project aiming to collect funds and invest where it will make a difference

Project-Our-Earth hat das Ziel, 1.200,00 € pro Woche zu erhalten.
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Hello, thank you for taking the time to read about this project!

First, I have to warn you I am a non-native English speaker, not a great writer and I will try to be straight to the point so forgive my lapses in the English language. If you have the time or the energy to help me out feel free to propose a better version of this text and help me improve it, it will be much appreciated. This is the very beginning of this project and it is rough around the hedges. If you have any questions or want to become involved in any way, contact me on discord Project Our Earth#1687. I am a firm believer that internet is a tremendous tool for change that can be used for the betterment of our life and our planet. I would love to carry out this project in a participative way with the help of other dreamers.

So, the project: The aim is to use a website in order to focus the power of the many and ‘’weak’’, into tangible actions in order to improve our world. Ecosia, change.org and Avaaz are my inspirations, but I do not want to rely only on donations in order to improve our future conditions of life. It will not function as a non-profit organization (NPO) for several reasons. The status of NPO comes with legal obligations that I think will restrain the development of this initiative and our freedom to innovate and invest. By functioning as a normal company, I hope to grow this project more dynamically and not put the burden only on people supporting us.

The idea is to create a self-sustaining company, that will allocate its resources into carrying out only financially viable projects that will have a real meaningful impact on our world socially and environmentally. By hiring people base on their skills not their origins, age or sex By promoting an exemplary work and business model ethically and environmentally By investing where it will make a real impact, in a pragmatic way. By examples: By only supporting and investing in other start-ups that have an high potential in making a positive impact on the world, socially (creating jobs in low income area), environmentally (the list is endless, in short clean efficient energy and construction materials will be a priority) or medically (New methods and technics in order to detect diseases or that might have ground breaking potential). By offering affordable micro-credits with non-variable interests funded by the excess of the treasury. They will support the development of artisans/farmers/entrepreneurs in developing countries. They will need to have a viable project in order to be selected. The money earned with the interests will allow to slowly increase the number of beneficiaries. Creating when it is viable, brands or sub-companies focus on developing fair trade on one sector of activity.

The money will NEVER go to causes with next to zero useful impacts on the long term like the pandas or other species with very little importance for the big pictures (Bees being the polar opposite as without them… We are in a very bad position) , cleaning up beaches ect... It will be invested and used in a strategic way as it will be limited.

I could continue but I think it is enough, with time if I see the concept of the project is well received, I intend to expand on it in a FAQ when we get a proper website running.

The money I will receive through donations will only go into growing a team of developers, web designers, a digital/social media promoter and sustain me in order to go through this project.

For now, it is only a beautiful and ambitious idea but with your help we can make it happen and create a positive life changing company for thousands of persons. Time and time again we have seen in history that the one that are considered to poor or too few to matters when they unite manage to get things done. I hope you will join me, if it works in the end we will all benefit from it.

Thank you for your time, Alexis


Project-Our-Earth ist vor 4 Jahren beigetreten.

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