

An artist with a lot of random ideas.

B-3NN1 erhält 0,00 $ pro Woche von 0 Förderern.
Spenden   Zahlungskarte Lastschrift


I appreciate any help anyone is able to provide. I would love to be able to get to the point where I can sustain my life through my art and ideas, but would never want to force anyone to donate to me. If you are in a stable position for yourself and are able to and would like to support me and my art, I certainly greatly appreciate it.

Verknüpfte Konten

B-3NN1 besitzt die folgenden Zugänge auf anderen Plattformen:


B-3NN1 ist vor 4 Jahren beigetreten.

Einnahmen pro Woche (in US-Dollar)

Anzahl Unterstützer pro Woche

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