
Jehovah Ja Jirah - YahWeh - Joshua

Full spiritual Ambassador/ Guidance from a real angel incarnate on Earth! - Holy Lambs Quest -

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Biblically confirmed hub to begin transacting the Holy Kingdoms Business and instigate holistic change from within the reality & government around us.

Enlightened Religious Guidance; Ascension pathwork; Past life regression; Karmic mapping; Mystery School teaching & Initiations (Golden Dawn & Enochian & Solomonic & Hermetic & Cult Ibis & Tat Brotherhood & Temple of Abzu); Direct King of Kings audience & Communications transacted here!; Holy Knight Quest Guidance Masterful Discipline of the Disciple full of the Master - Supreme Faith: Denomination accepts and respects all creator based religions & dogmas as work task (level required work) for novices & above.; Salvation & Perdition paths & Solutions; Strong Meat Bible Teachings; Inquire into cost as many services may be provided per verified world benefit through angelic divination. Money is not the only currency accepted on case by case basis. Donations welcome until Heaven on Earth!

Text message & www.x.com/iehovahelohim & email: <magimindz@gmail.com> to interact with us!

Diplomatic Messages with The Kingdom of Heaven are accepted here as well.

I am Sandalphon in the Angelic Sigils & Names/ Authorities I am a crowned throne (above seraphim). Joshua of Zechariah Chapters 2-12 (Owner/ Operator)

Address is mailing address only. No business transacted here but day program charity services are available here from 12-3pm every day with registration for the needy or poor.

We are a Public- World Benefit Sole Proprietor.


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