

Hi! My name Arhur.

Armenicum1 hat 0 Fördernde.


I love the repair of equipment! Every day I will upload photos and videos about their work and about what I love. Anyone can ask for help from me, I'm happy to tell you!

Properly charged )

Hello dears! My name is Arthur. I'll start with perhaps the simplest. Recently I wrote an article in which I tell you how to charge your phone and ready to share this information with you.

Still, how to charge your phone? I have 10 years in the field of maintenance and repair of mobile devices and I can say with confidence that most people do not know how to charge their devices.

Let's analyze with you the main errors.

Every day typical problems: the phone is charging all night, why not? It's very convenient isn't it?

This is the first serious mistake. We are assured that the battery in the phone is protected from overcharging, in fact, everything is different!

We also like to charge from powerful chargers, and often the phone battery is worse charged from the car charger and this is due to the fact that the technical parameters of such devices are different from the native charging out of the box, as well as many different nuances that we simply because of their ignorance just do not notice.

I recommend first thing is not to leave it on all night.

It is desirable to use the original chargers, and if there is no such opportunity to buy high-quality chargers and usually they start from 500 rubles.

Do not charge your phone while watching videos or playing games on your phone.

Do not put the phone under the pillow as it will warm up and it may adversely affect the battery of the phone.

And one little secret for those who do not know!

The phone can be charged up to 100% only 1-2 times a week.

For example, if you are in a hurry, you can safely turn off the charger and go about their business, while the battery does not suffer.

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